Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far

The list that follows was originally inspired by Stefan Sagmeister’s list by the same name.

The irony of this list: life is messy. Life evades the neat ordering of so-called ‘rules’ into tidy lists. But I am who I am, and I like lists, so.

Secondly: change is the only constant. Much as I like a definitive list, this might be the only thing I actually know for sure. Every ‘rule’ is iterative. See #19, #33. Since its first iteration in 2008, this list has been heavily edited.

Perhaps by 2040, this list will be whittled down to just those two facts, and that will be fine. But until then:

  1. Honing a self-concept is essential to create. Rarely do the self-concept and the real self align.

  2. Art is an act of expression. Design is an act of service.

  3. Everything deserves a closer look.

  4. Trust, but verify.

  5. Helping others helps me.

  6. Dishonesty is at war with freedom.

  7. The key to a good ending is knowing when to roll the credits.

  8. In business, an inner world is only as interesting as it is marketable.

  9. Originality is a necessary delusion.

  10. You can’t work for a person you don’t respect.

  11. Consistency outweighs speed.

  12. Iteration over perfection.

  13. There’s enough time for what is actually important.

  14. The process of creation often yields a more interesting result than the finished product. At the same time, there is a cleansing in shipping the work.

  15. Inquire within.

  16. Remember when you wanted what you currently have?

  17. Doesn’t matter what it is – a piece of the cake, a place on a map – save something just for you.

  18. Writing daily breeds honesty, and in its own time, action.

  19. Certainty is at odds with curiosity.

  20. Everywhere I go, there I am.

  21. Who draws the maps?

  22. Reality is neutral.

  23. A good idea is never done. The same goes for places, people, events. Everything can be recontextualized.

  24. Perfectionism isn’t the golden word I once thought it was.

  25. ‘Pare down to the essence, but don’t remove the poetry.’ — Leonard Koren

  26. Envy and procrastination reveal what you value and what you don’t.

  27. Money does indeed buy freedom. See #20.

  28. Love is an action.

  29. Turn soft and lovely in a lesser town whenever you have the chance.

  30. Read it aloud.

  31. Maintain a curiosity the size of Carl Sagan’s comb-over.

  32. Carry your camera wherever you go.

  33. Discard this list and start again.